Conservation is at the heart of the Coalition of American Canyoneers’ mission to preserve and promote access to America’s canyons. The canyons are living systems; they are the metaphoric circulatory system of the planet.
We hope to highlight any threat to our canyons and through the power of our membership take action to facilitate the repair of any damage and provide a measure of protection. As visitation to the canyons increases, so does the evidence of human passage.
To this end, the CAC has developed a report form to gather information concerning the increase in graffiti, trash and other damage to canyons. This form, with the support of our community and in cooperation with land managers, will lead to instituting clean up procedures and possibly find the persons responsible – holding them accountable. If you see graffiti or other damage while you are out, please photograph the damage and submit this online form. Canyon Graffiti and Damage Report Form
Thank you.