Death Valley National Park – Final Wilderness and Backcountry Stewardship Plan


Death Valley National Park – Finding of No Significant Impact Approves Wilderness and Backcountry Stewardship Plan

The National Park Service (NPS) has approved a Wilderness and Backcountry Stewardship Plan for Death Valley National Park, concluding a 4-year public planning process.

The purpose of this plan is to guide the National Park Service in making decisions regarding the future use and protection of […]

2018-12-16T12:14:11-08:00August 9th, 2013|Categories: Access, General News, Newsletter|Tags: , |

Death Valley National Park Wilderness and Backcountry Stewardship Plan

Death ValleyDeath Valley National Park is accepting comments to their Wilderness and Backcountry Stewardship Plan until tomorrow – October 9th. American Canyoneers has been examining the impacts of the plan, with help from local Canyoneers who know Death Valley well, and have formulated the following response. There are important changes that could affect your access to Death Valley. We ask that you […]

2018-12-16T12:14:49-08:00August 8th, 2013|Categories: General News|

Garden Creek Service Project – Grand Canyon National Park

Sponsored by the National Park Service – Grand Canyon

anchor webbing

Illegally Placed Anchor Bolts

The illegal entry bolts at Garden Creek in Grand Canyon are no more. In response to an NPS request, eleven members from the Coalition of American Canyoneers hiked 3,000′ down into Grand Canyon on Saturday to remove the bolts from the top of Garden Creek.

The bolts were expansion bolts, and […]

2018-12-25T04:54:29-08:00June 24th, 2013|Categories: Access, Conservation, Education, General News|Tags: , , , |

Grand Canyon – Backcountry Management Plan – Joint Comments


Grand Canyon – Backcountry Management Plan
River Assisted Backcountry Travel Joint Comments

Since November 2012, Rich Rudow, board member at American Canyoneers and Dave Mortenson, board member at Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association, have been jointly working through the issues concerning RABT (River Assisted Backcountry Travel) for the upcoming Backcountry Management Plan. RABT is the much preferred term to packrafting because we feel […]

2018-12-15T12:19:09-08:00May 9th, 2013|Categories: Access, General News, Newsletter|

Board of Directors Retreat • March 22-23, 2013


The meeting was opened by a message from Board President, Wolf Schuster welcoming everyone to the meeting and thanking all of the participants for scheduling time to attend.

The first question raised was: “Why join American Canyoneers?”

• One of the main benefits discussed was the fact that an organized group is better able to access/have conversation with public and private land […]

2018-12-15T12:32:34-08:00April 17th, 2013|Categories: Access, Administration, Conservation, Education, General News, Newsletter, Safety|

NCRC 2013

NCRC Rescue Training NCRC Rescue Training

National Cave Rescue Commission (NCRC)

There is quite a bit of overlap between caving and canyoneering. The environment can be almost identical when dealing with slot canyons in Utah. Even though it technically is a canyon, there is no going “up” […]

2018-12-25T05:14:09-08:00December 23rd, 2012|Categories: Education, General News, Safety|

Canyoneering in Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon Slot


John Wesley Powell coined the term “canyoneer” on his explorations of the Colorado Plateau in 1869. Today, many Grand Canyon hikers, boaters, and technical Canyoneers use the term “canyoneer” to refer to their activities. Unlike most other canyoneering locations, technical canyoneering in Grand Canyon often requires an expedition mentality. The scale of the place is vast. Access to slot canyons […]

2018-12-16T12:29:22-08:00December 9th, 2012|Categories: Access, Education, General News, Newsletter, Safety|Tags: , |

Who We Are

Board of Directors

The Coalition of American Canyoneers board members serve two-year terms, and elections are held for board positions each July. CAC held its first formal board election in July of 2012.

Tyler Goodfellow

I started canyoneering in southern Nevada on my thirteenth birthday and have been hooked on exploring technical drainages ever since. As […]

2024-11-20T13:17:32-08:00November 5th, 2012|

Grand Canyon Readdresses Position on Deer Creek Access

After speaking with Superintendent Oberuaga last week via teleconference, Rich Rudow received this letter clarifying the Park Service position on Deer Creek access.

Position Letter from Superintendent Uberuaga (click to download)

I think this is a very complicated issue that should probably be dealt with sooner rather then later. By complicated, I mean there are legal aspects to this discussion reaching far beyond […]

2018-12-15T12:43:11-08:00September 27th, 2012|Categories: Access, General News|

Nunc Tincidunt Elit Cursus

Quisque ligula ipsum, euismod a vulputate a, ultricies et elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla nunc dui, tristique in semper vel, congue sed ligula. Nam dolor ligula, faucibus id sodales in, auctor fringilla libero. Pellentesque pellentesque tempor tellus eget hendrerit. Morbi id aliquam ligula. Aliquam id dui sem. Proin rhoncus consequat nisl, eu ornare mauris tincidunt vitae.

Vestibulum sodales ante a purus […]

2012-07-31T17:22:22-07:00July 31st, 2012|Categories: General News|

May News

Canyoneering photo

Board of Directors’ Meeting

We had a very productive board meeting about two weeks ago. Other then 501c(3) paperwork being filed, we feel the IBOD has performed its duty and it’s time for the elected board of directors to take over. The board will face a long list of issues in order to get the new organization up & running.

• We are […]

2018-12-15T13:00:42-08:00May 14th, 2012|Categories: Administration, General News|

April News

The last few weeks have been fairly productive for American Canyoneers. As of 21 March 2012, we are incorporated in Arizona. The next step is 501c(3) paperwork which will start in the middle of April. The access map is in the works and should be up for beta evaluation starting in a week or so. Membership is ready to go […]

2018-12-15T13:02:27-08:00April 4th, 2012|Categories: Administration, General News|

March News

Several people involved with canyoneering have express a desire for a weekly letter describing progress which is going on but not publicized. Since we are working with legal issues, sometimes progress can be slow, in the beginning these letters might be more monthly.

Currently Rich Rudow is working with a lawyer in Arizona. The legal papers will be […]

2018-12-15T13:06:07-08:00March 3rd, 2012|Categories: Administration, General News|
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