The North Wash and Ticaboo regions are remote desert country where the mesa tops are sliced by Navajo sandstone slots that release into large, deep canyons. Access for some canyons is just off the pavement and in other cases 4WD/HCV capability is recommended. All visitors should come prepared as the closest services of any kind are in Hanksville or Bullfrog. Chances of encountering other users is low and any kind of emergency response will not be fast considering the remote and isolated nature of the region.
North Wash and Ticaboo canyon country is best visited in spring or fall, when temperatures are reasonable and access is practical. No permits or fees are required to visit the area and at-large camping is allowed. The area has a natural anchor ethic and generally yields easily to such methods. This may mean using deadmen, cairns, carefully-placed chockstones or other advanced techniques. Use black, rust or olive colored webbing, especially at all final rappels. Please practice leave-no-trace principles to help maintain the wild character of this country.
The flavor of this regions canyons runs towards skinny canyons. Some options ranging from north to south: the Angel slots, Poison Springs, the Leprechauns, then the Hogs on the way to Hard Day Harvey and many, many more. Squeeze, stem and enjoy, but come prepared as none of these places are near any services and rescue is a long time away.
Land Management Resource:
The BLM Henry Mountains Field Station (Hanksville) manages the BLM lands. The office is open 7:45am – 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. BLM personnel can answer questions about the land, recent road conditions, etc. All USGS maps of the area are available for sale, as well as a selection of guidebooks.
• 380 South 100 West, Hanksville, UT 84734
• (435) 542-3461
Bullfrog Marina offers a wide variety of services.
Glen Canyon National Recreational Area
• NPS, Bullfrog: (435) 684-7400
Hite is a remote ranger station located at the top of Lake Powell, adjacent to the confluence of the Colorado and Dirty Devil Rivers. Land based facilities include the Hite Ranger Station with emergency services, visitor information, and restrooms. A convenience store is open daily except during the winter season with gasoline & diesel fuel available year round.
Hite National Park Service Ranger Station
• (435) 684-2457
Access Issues:
None currently.
Canyon Locations:
• The Angel Slot region is in Wayne County.
• The Dante’s, Fiddlestix, Warm Springs and all 7 Mile canyons, including Hard Day Harvey and Good Day Jim, are in Glen Canyon National Recreational Area.
• All other canyons in the North Wash area and Ticaboo are in Garfield County.
Rules and Regulations:
Canyoneering is currently authorized in Glen Canyon. The use of natural anchors or existing bolts is highly encouraged and minimum impact travel is essential to protecting these fragile environments. Placing new bolts is illegal. Replacement of unsafe bolts is currently authorized. Future canyoneering opportunities may depend on the initial impacts caused by the sport’s emerging pioneers. Extend webbing to minimize rope grooves, travel in small groups to reduce social trails, and follow LNT protocol. Leave it cleaner than you have found it.
NOTE: West of HWY 276, including Upper Trail Canyon Forks and Maidenwater Canyon Forks is a Wilderness Study Area. This means the areas are managed to maintain their wilderness characteristics: no motorized travel, no bolting, no power tools, etc. are permitted.
Permits and Fees:
For general users, no permits or fees are required to visit the area.
There are no entry fees for Glen Canyon canyons when entering the recreational area via the standard dirt road accesses provided in all beta sources. The only time a permit is required is if the activity is commercial or educational. Contact the Hanksville BLM office or Glen Canyon National Recreational Area office for further information. Phone numbers are listed above.
Drive on designated roads only and park safely off the road, deep on the shoulder.
Emergency Information:
24-hour Emergency Response: Call 911
Note: Cell phones do not work in much of the region. Some high spots can get reception from the La Sals / Moab area, and areas can get reception from the Hanksville tower, but it is best not to count on a phone connection.
Emergency services are provided by Wayne County Sheriffs Office Search and Rescue for most of the area; reimbursement of expenses accumulated during any operation is expected.
• (435) 836-1308
Garfield Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue
• (435) 676-2678
Nearest Medical Facilities:
Bullfrog Urgent Care Clinic
• Bullfrog Basin, Lake Powell, UT 84533
• (435) 684-2242
• Map
Wayne Community Health Center, located 56 miles west of Hanksville in Bicknell.
• 128 N 300 W Bicknell, UT 84715
• (435) 425-3744
• Hours: The center is closed on Sundays and hours are limited on Saturday.
• The Wayne CHC opens a clinic in Hanksville each Wednesday.
• Directions from Hanksville
Green River Medical Center, located 57 miles north of Hanksville.
• 585 W Main St, Green River, UT 84525
• (435) 564-3434
• Directions from Hanksville
Closest Hospitals are located in Richfield (111 miles west, 2+ hours from Hanksville), Price (114 miles north, 2 hours), and Moab (108 miles east, just under 2 hours).
Sevier Valley Medical Center (Intermountain)
• 1000 North Main, Richfield, UT 84701
• (435)893-4100
• Directions from Hanksville
Castleview Hospital (Intermountain)
• 300 Hospital Drive, Price, UT 84501
• (435) 637-4800
• Directions from Hanksville
Moab Regional Hospital
• 450 West Williams Way, Moab Utah, 84532
• (435) 719-3500
• Directions from Hanksville

Photos: Steve Ramras